Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)

by | May 13, 2023 | Blog | 0 comments

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is a gynaecological disorder affecting women in the reproductive age and is known to be the leading cause of infertility due to hormonal problems. Irregular menstrual cycle, infertility, obesity, over growth of facial hair, depression, hoarseness of voice, acne etc. are some of the most common reasons a teenager or women start seeking medical help for PCOS. Once PCOS is diagnosed through Ultrasonography and follicle studies, strict follow up should be maintained, as this forms the basis for curing disease.

As the name indicates the ultrasound image shows an ovary with lot of abnormally developed eggs.The first ever description of this condition and naming of the disease was done in 1935 by American gynaecologists Irving F. Stein, Sr. and Michael L. Leventhal. 

Causative Factor for PCOS:

The causes of PCOS is mainly lifestyle and environmental factors affecting the genotype of the individual. In Australia alone 20% of the female population is affected with PCOS.The sad part of is PCOS will remains undiagnosed or under noticed till the disease take its severe form and till the health care costs are relatively high. We celebrate September as the PCOS awareness month.

Ayurvedic Concept And Management:

Ayurveda has many beautiful perspectives regarding the human anatomy which is not described in modern science. One such perspective is Srotas. Srotas are those channels throughout the body connecting various organs and organ systems and nourishing them. The root cause of polycystic ovarian syndrome in Ayurveda can be considered as imbalance of channels of menstruation (Arthava vaha Sroto dushti) and the culprit is vitiated Vata disordering the functions of Pitta and affecting the basic functions of Kapha. Due to the lifestyle factors, genetic factors, high stress, sedentary life, obesity, diabetes, specific drug consumption and overuse of contraceptive pills the normal metabolic pattern of your body is altered and leads to vitiation of Pitta which controls the hormonal balance of the body. When the hormones are deranged normal nourishment won’t take place which will derange Kapha resulting in the cystic formation which later can lead to the symptoms of PCOS.

So the line of treatment should be pacification of Vata without disturbing the balance of Kapha and Pitta. Hormones play an important role in the disease onset, so the basic correction to-do is to modify your lifestyle. The aim of Ayurvedic treatment is correction from the base so that the normal BMI and hormonal systems aid in the cure of the disease.

Shed those extra calories!!!

Take every step to reduce your weight because it can do wonders in balancing hormones. Over weight can be due to number of reasons. Analysing your hormone levels, blood, blood sugar and cholesterol can help to find the cause. If everything turns up all right then minor life style and diet changes along with herbal treatment will do the job. Herbal treatments like Abhyanga( Ayurvedic hot oil massage), Udwarthana (Ayurvedic herbal scrub), Kizhis (Ayurvedic pouch massage) , Herbal enema, medicated packs and Pichu (oil soaked in cotton is applied to vagina) along with internal herbal medications will help to reduce weight. Purgation once in a month with herbal oils or powders will do wonders in cleansing and detoxification. If the blood checkups show altered results then it’s the time for regular treatment.

The PCOS cook book

There is no ideal food for PCOS patients. The diet should be based on your calorie needs, whether you are a vegan or non-vegetarian and your daily routines. Always use steamed food items instead of deep fried and baked food. Drink enough water and fruit juices. Diabetic people need to ensure that they eat more lean meat and intake of carbs and sugars is limited.  Adding Pulses like lentils, green gram, chick peas, split peas, raw beans, etc. along with two meals will help in ensuring a fiber and protein rich diet with low glycemic index and low fat. Veggies and spices  like Green leafy vegetables, bottle guard, tomatoes, carrots, cucumbers, eggplants, corn, turnips, mushroom, onions, pumpkin, celery, green peas, green beans, ,potatoes, bottle guard, ginger, garlic, cumin seeds, Fennel seeds, Fenugreek, honey, sesame, mustard asparagus, carrots, beetroots, sweet potatoes in minimal quantity can be used. Cooking oils must be reliable and organic. Use Olive oil, coconut oils or vegetable oils. Fruits which are fresh grown and organic like pomegranate, apples, papaya, medium ripe bananas, Watermelon, Goose berries, Guava, strawberries, blueberries, prunes, apricot ,peaches.

Sai Ayush Ayurveda for PCOS

One in ten women is affected by PCOS as per research surveys. Not every woman having PCOS suffer from infertility. Eating healthy and staying active should be your primary goal towards successful treatment. Hormonal imbalance can be well managed by Ayurvedic herbal decoctions, tablets, herbal tonics; Ghee’s and powders after assessing your Prakruti and body type.

The Ayurvedic management of PCOS begins with Deepana and Paachana (to improve digestive fire and metabolism) followed by intake of herbalised ghee (clarified butter) depending according to your specific imbalance. Then body is thoroughly cleansed by Ayurvedic detox known as Panchakarma. In PCOD a specialised herbal enema called uthara vasti (detoxification of reproductive system) is done by an expert consultant.The herbal enemas will help in clearing out the channels. The Sirovasti (oil pack on head) and Shirodhara (streaming of warm oil at third eye) will help in relaxing your mind. The choice of herbs and formulations may vary in each case. At Sai Ayush Ayurveda we provide individual care plans for PCOS beginning with a detailed consultation by our expert Ayurvedic Practitioners.


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