Sai Ayush Ayurveda – Ayurvedic Panchakarma Clinic

SaiAyush Ayurveda

Understanding Calcaneal Spur in Ayurveda: Causes, Symptoms, and Effective Treatment

by | Jul 7, 2023 | Blog | 0 comments

Welcome to my blog post on calcaneal spur in Ayurveda! In this article, we’ll explore this common foot condition from an Ayurvedic perspective, covering its causes, symptoms, and effective treatment options. Whether you’re seeking information for yourself or someone you know, I’m here to provide all the necessary details in a friendly and approachable manner.

 What is Calcaneal Spur?

A calcaneal spur, also known as a heel spur, is a bony outgrowth that develops on the underside of the heel bone. It typically occurs due to repeated strain on the foot’s ligaments and muscles, causing them to pull away from the heel bone. This can lead to the formation of a calcium deposit, resulting in the development of a spur.

Causative Factors of Calcaneal Spur

Several factors contribute to the development of calcaneal spurs. These include:

  • Poor foot posture or biomechanics
  • Excessive weight or obesity
  • Frequent high-impact activities
  • Wearing ill-fitting shoes
  • prolonged standing or prolonged walking on hard surfaces

Who is at Risk?

Calcaneal spurs can affect individuals of all ages, but certain groups are more susceptible to developing this condition. People who fall into the following categories are at higher risk:

  • Athletes and sports enthusiasts
  • Individuals with flat feet or high arches
  • Those with occupations that require prolonged standing or walking
  • Older adults, as the risk increases with age

Calcaneal Spur Signs and Symptoms

The most comm  of the calcaneal spur is heel pain, especially during weight-bearing activities. Other signs and symptoms may include:

  1. Sharp pain in the heel, particularly in the morning or after periods of rest
  2. Tenderness or inflammation in the affected area
  3. Difficulty walking or standing for long periods
  4. Radiating pain towards the arch of the foot

Ayurvedic Concept of Calcaneal Spur

According to Ayurveda, the calcaneal spur is primarily associated with an imbalance of the Vata dosha. This dosha imbalance affects the bones, joints, and tissues, leading to the formation of spurs. Ayurvedic treatment focuses on restoring the balance of Vata and providing relief from pain and inflammation.

Internal and External Medication for Treatment

In Ayurveda, the treatment of calcaneal spur involves a holistic approach that encompasses both internal and external medication.

Internal medication

 Some commonly used herbs and remedies include:

  • Guggul (Commiphora mukul)
  • Shallaki (Boswellia serrata)
  • Dashamoola (a combination of ten herbs)
  • Nirgundi (Vitex negundo) oil for external application

The appropriate herbs and dosage should be determined by an Ayurvedic practitioner.

External medication

  • Apply warm herbal poultices or compresses to the affected area. You can use a cloth soaked in warm Ayurvedic oils like Mahanarayan oil or Murivenna oil.
  • Gentle massages with Ayurvedic oils like Mahanarayan oil, Bala oil, or Kottamchukkadi oil can help reduce pain and inflammation.
  • Panchakarma Therapies: The panchakarma therapies recommended will vary depending on the individual’s dosha (body constitution) and the practitioner’s assessment. Some commonly employed Panchakarma therapies include Abhyanga (oil massage), Swedana (herbal steam therapy), and Basti (medicated enema).
pada abhyanga

pada abhyanga

Management of Calcaneal Spur in Ayurveda

Besides medication, Ayurveda emphasizes lifestyle modifications and self-care practices to manage calcanial spur effectively. These include:

  • Maintaining a healthy body weight
  • Wearing comfortable and supportive footwear
  • Practicing regular foot exercises and stretches
  • Rubbing the affected area with warm herbal oils
  • Following a balanced diet and incorporating anti-inflammatory foods


In conclusion, calcaneal spur is a common foot condition that can cause significant discomfort and pain. However, with the right information and an Ayurvedic approach, it can be effectively managed and treated. Keep in mind to seek out individualized advice and treatment options from a licensed Ayurvedic practitioner.

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