Sai Ayush Ayurveda – Ayurvedic Panchakarma Clinic

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Migraine: Causes, Risk Factors, Symptoms, and Ayurvedic Management

by | Jun 28, 2023 | Blog | 0 comments

Migraine is a neurological disorder characterized by severe, recurring headaches often accompanied by other symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light and sound. It affects millions of people worldwide and can significantly impact a person’s quality of life.

What is the cause of migraine ?

The precise reason why migraines occur is still not fully known. However, various factors contributed to its development. One of the primary causes is believed to be the activation of the trigeminal nerve, which leads to the release of chemicals that cause inflammation and dilation of blood vessels in the brain. Imbalances in certain neurotransmitters, such as serotonin, also play a role in triggering migraines.

Who is more prone to migraines? 

While anyone can experience migraines, certain factors increase the likelihood of developing this condition. Some common risk factors include:

  • Family history: Migraines tend to run in families, suggesting a genetic predisposition.
  • Gender: Women are more prone to migraines than men, possibly due to hormonal fluctuations.
  • Age: Migraines can begin at any age, but they often start during adolescence and reach peak prevalence in the 30s and 40s.
  • Environmental triggers: Certain factors like bright lights, loud noises, strong odors, and weather changes can trigger migraines in susceptible individuals.
  • Lifestyle factors: Irregular sleep patterns, excessive stress, inadequate hydration, and skipping meals can increase the risk of migraines.

 What are the signs and symptoms of migraines?

Migraines are more than just headaches. They often come with a range of other symptoms, which may vary from person to person. Common symptoms include:

  • throbbing or pulsing headache that typically affects one side of the head.
  • Sensitivity to light, sound, or certain smells
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Aura: Some individuals experience visual disturbances, such as flashes of light, blind spots, or zigzag patterns, before or during a migraine attack.
  • Fatigue and dizziness.
  • Mood changes, such as irritability or depression.

Migraine treatment through Ayurveda 

Ayurveda approaches migraine management by focusing on restoring balance and harmony to the body and mind. A complete cure for migraine can be acquired with the help of Ayurveda, which rules out the root cause of the disease. Here are some key principles and treatments used in Ayurveda for managing migraines:

Lifestyle modifications: Establishing a regular daily routine, maintaining adequate sleep, and managing stress through techniques like yoga and meditation can help reduce the frequency and intensity of migraines.

Dietary changes: Ayurveda emphasizes a migraine-friendly diet that avoids trigger foods like processed foods, aged cheese, caffeine, alcohol, and artificial additives. Instead, opt for fresh, whole foods, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and nuts.

Herbal remedies: Ayurvedic herbs such as Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri), Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), and Shankhpushpi (Convolvulus pluricaulis) have calming and neuroprotective properties that can help alleviate migraine symptoms. However, it’s essential to consult an Ayurvedic practitioner for personalized guidance.

Nasya therapy: Nasya therapy involves the administration of medicated oils or herbal preparations through the nasal passage. This therapy can help relieve congestion, reduce inflammation, and alleviate migraine symptoms.

Panchakarma: Ayurvedic detoxification therapies, collectively known as Panchakarma, aim to eliminate accumulated toxins from the body and restore balance. Treatments like Shirodhara (continuous oil flow on the forehead) and Abhyanga (herbal oil massage) can be beneficial in managing migraines.


Migraine is a debilitating condition that requires comprehensive management to minimize its impact on daily life. Ayurveda provides a holistic approach to addressing migraines by addressing the underlying imbalances in the body and mind. By making lifestyle modifications, following a balanced diet, and incorporating Ayurvedic therapies, individuals can find relief from migraines and improve their overall well-being. However, it’s essential to consult with the best Ayurvedic practitioner for personalized guidance and treatment recommendations tailored to your specific needs.

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